(«seed» – terrestrial genetics database)
(«central-cephalon-unit» – the «neural core» and its positronic cortex)
(satellite orbit-control unit)
(1 of 6)
(«eagle» hangar, satellite assembly & AUI auto-maintenance)
(long distance scanner, front protective shield)

If you would play chess with the neural core, that mastermind would with almost absolute certainty checkmate you. If you are a chess grandmaster – well, most possibly you would win the first game. After that however at the most a draw should be expected.
Whereas if the neural core would take on the positronic cortex for a game, the neural core wouldn’t have the slightest chance and after 1000 didactic games most probably reach a draw.
If you would play tennis with the neural core – provided that it would be equipped with the corresponding features– sooner or later (even if it happens that you are a Grand Slam Tournament winner) every game would be lost without exception.
By contrast, a game of tennis with the positronic cortex would be boring for you. Incapable to conclude a «fuzzy assumption», it most probably would try to calculate the perfect trajectory of the tennis balls. Because only data on a wide range of unmanageable various little factors are available, yes not even the most essential data on physical forces exist; only estimated approximate values can be used for the data evaluation, so it would be nearly impossible for the positronic cortex to return a ball.
Even if the positronic cortex would have complete and accurate values available for computation and could calculate in «real-time» by means of its incredible processing capacity, the results would never be faster than «the actual event» and as outcome, the racket would always reach the ball too late.
.«The neural core»
Regeneration ability of the «neural core»

Regeneration ability of the «neural core»
Because the neural core consists of organic tissue it is able to regenerate a 100%. As a matter of routine, the neural core puts itself into invigorating profound sleep mode to rejuvenate, meanwhile re-configuring the synapses compounds of the renewable brain areas.
In a situation of crisis or in the event that the neural core might be at risk, it can put itself into this sleep mode beyond the regular cycle of protective rejuvenating regeneration.
During his «absence» all sub-systems continue to operate self-supportively, comparable to heartbeat and respiration of a sleeping organism, that functions independently of the state of consciousness.

The Neural Core Unit
All systems of Sirius are controlled, monitored and guided by the Central-Cephalon-Unit. The central cephalon unit contains the neural core – the actual brain of the ship – and around that the positronic cortex is positioned.
Whilst the positronic cortex takes over all routine controls, analyses and tasks for which only a pure mathematic logic is needed, this complete information is converted with an incredible speed into intelligible data and constantly fed to the neural core.
Actually the organic synapses system of the neural core by far surpasses conventional programmed artificial intelligence regarding cognitive abilities. This enables the neural core to makes decisions for which creativity, rationality and intuitive appreciation are vital, even with the absence of an active and present crew.
By way of example, it is the responsibility of the neural core, to permanently adjust the course of the ship based on newest information when searching for suitable planets. Ultimately it is also up to the neural core to take the decision that time is right to the start the awakening process of the sleeping crew.
Regeneration ability of the «neural core»
Chess- or Tennis-Computer?
To disseminate terrestrial life on a young blue planet – similar to planet
earth – in another far remote solar system, is in all respects by light years beyond the scope of individual human horizon. That a small intellectual and economic elite can realise such an abstract project successfully, appears odd. Indeed overcoming the huge technical and financial barriers seems impossible and more than once during its centennial incubation the whole undertaking seemed doomed to fail.
Thanks to the devoted eagerness and enthusiasm of the creators of the project, spaceship «Sirius» can start its millennial journey into the unknowns of deepest space. For the initiators of the project, the awareness and appreciation of vulnerability of mankind, is of central distinction... long before human race becomes extinct on this planet!
Even if caused by human activities, it is not the human species that is the focal point of the mission; it’s the aggregated preservation of anthropomorphised earthly matters – the various, from primitive to highly sophisticated life forms, are just different «vehicles» for one and the same form; «life».

Even with the incredible speed of spaceship «Sirius», reaching the mission’s remote destinations can take a thousand years or more. So staffing the ship is only possible by putting the human crew into a kind of artificial hibernation. Thereby reducing any physical activity of the «sleepers» to Zero.
However, not every human meets the basic organic qualifications for «spacesleep» procedures. In any case, passing through these risky procedures, can biologically be hazardous for health. It is also not possible
for example, to survive the transfer into Spacesleep Status a second time.
During the «ASRP» Awakening Status Recovery Process, especially when excessively accelerated, psychosis like hallucinations and or paranoid schizophrenia, appear regularly.
In a popular scientific common way this is called «Space Sleep Syndrome», however as absolute perception this term is rejected by experts as being inaccurate and not precisely defined yet.

Spaceship «Sirius»
- length 335 Meters
- Pulse-mode driven powered by LFTR’s (closed circuit liquid fluoride thorium reactors)
- Apex Speed approx. 30 000 kps. (10% of light speed!)
- Bernal sphere (Crew Quarters), centrifugally generated artificial gravitation (to reduce side effects of centrifugal forces also the co-occurring disturbing double axial running coriolis forces)
- Biosphere (basic bernal sphere), sort of «conservatory» for seaweed,
mushrooms and bacteria used for the generation of engineered food and
conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) into liquid oxygen (LOX) and so forth.
LFTR fission products are used to fuel operation of the Bernalsphere and
Biosphere Greenhouses.
- Twenty «satellites» circle the ship in a double-helix configuration (linked by energy fields) creating other energy fields, that in return act as protective
shields for the hull of the ship.
- more

Selection of Crew:
The candidates come in pairs and are evaluated after successfully completing tests with different other candidate pairs in different compositions and undergoing endurance and screening tests under different terms.
To cohabit in a localized manner, literally isolated, needs skilled optimized composition of a crew – also in a psychological sense, spontaneous functional interaction is a must. Regardless of the available skills, functionality can not be secured without the usage of sophisticated neurological and psychotropic additive drugs.
In fact, during most of the time of the mission, the «Sirius» is unstaffed.
The «first crew» escorts the ship to the extreme edges of the solar system during a three year period and then leaves the ship to return back to Earth using the «Eagle», a conventional spaceship.
Two further crews on board are kept in Spacesleep status for up to a thousand years and undergo the «ASRP» Awakening Status Recovery Process at given times during the timetable of the mission. The first crew awakes at the arrival at the targeted solar system. Their task is to evaluate a suitable planet or moon for «dissemination purposes», the second spare crew is awakened one generation later to execute and complete the purposed plans.
The three different crews consist out of six persons each with different comprehensive professional knowledge and capabilities.
The «first crew»